Megadoom II
MEGADOOM II - iso.7z
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DOS Batch File
158 lines
@echo off
echo This batch program will use all of the features of DMCHECK to show you how
echo it is used.
echo 1- Start at the DOOM version test.
echo 2- Go to the Disk space test.
echo X- Go directly to the end text.
echo ESC- Quit straight to DOS!
dmcheck /q ask 12X
if errorlevel == 255 goto totalend
if errorlevel == 3 goto end2
if errorlevel == 2 goto end
if errorlevel == 1 goto start
echo Opps, I got a weird happening while doing the MENU function.
goto mail
dmcheck w /q
if not errorlevel 255 goto not255
echo No DOOM version found!
goto end
if not errorlevel 30 goto not30
echo You have a modified copy of DOOM from the PC-ZONE CDROM! It is like ver 1.2
echo but with a modified EXE file.
goto end
if not errorlevel 20 goto not20
echo DOOM II
goto end
if not errorlevel 19 goto not19
echo You have the PIRATED copy of DOOM ][!!! Please be kind and buy a copy at least!
goto end
if not errorlevel 6 goto not6
dmcheck /q v 1.666
if not errorlevel 1 goto ok6
echo You have version 1.666 all right, but it's the sharewear version!
goto end
echo Since you have DOOM 1.666, then the PWAD should be executed with
echo DOOM -FILE FOREST.WAD DEMO12.WAD, otherwise DOOM would tell you
echo that the demos were not for ver 1.666 and would exit.
goto end
if not errorlevel 5 goto not5
echo DOOM 1.5 beta, this is only a sharewear version.
goto end
if not errorlevel 4 goto not4
echo DOOM 1.4 beta, only sharewear.
goto end
if not errorlevel 3 goto not3
echo Since you have DOOM 1.2, then we could run a PWAD made for it instead of
echo displaying this.
dmcheck /q v 1.2
echo isplaying this.
if not errorlevel 1 goto end
echo but since you have the sharewear version, we still can't.
goto end
if not errorlevel 2 goto not2
echo Somebody that has DOOM 1.1 would get a message saying that the
echo PWAD isn't usable with that version and he should upgrade to 1.2
dmcheck /q v 1.1
if not errorlevel 1 goto end
echo Also, this is only the sharewear of 1.1, sorry can't do much!
goto end
if not errorlevel 1 goto not1
echo And for DOOM 0.9, you have to upgrade to 1.1, then 1.2 and today 1.666!
dmcheck /q v 0.9
if not errorlevel 1 goto end
echo on top of that, this is the first sharewear release of DOOM!
goto end
echo Oops got an errorlevel of 0 which shouldn't happen!
echo Please send e-mail to me (Jean-Serge Gagnon) at az589@freenet.carleton.ca
echo and tell me about it. Thanks.
goto totalend
echo OK, now let's try the S[pace] function. We will test to see if there is
echo more than 10,000,000 bytes free on a drive, but first, let's give the A[sk]
echo function a try...
dmcheck /q ask "Which drive to test [C-F]? " CDEF
if not errorlevel == 255 goto nota255
echo You pressed [Escape], I guess we can forget about this test
goto end2
if not errorlevel == 4 goto nota4
echo Testing drive F:...
echo --------- DMCHECK displays this when used without /q parameter ----------
dmcheck space f 10,000,000
goto cont
if not errorlevel == 3 goto nota3
echo Testing drive E:...
echo --------- DMCHECK displays this when used without /q parameter ----------
dmcheck space e 10000000
goto cont
if not errorlevel == 2 goto nota2
echo Testing drive D:...
echo --------- DMCHECK displays this when used without /q parameter ----------
dmcheck s d 10000000
goto cont
if not errorlevel == 1 goto nota1
echo Testing drive C:...
echo --------- DMCHECK displays this when used without /q parameter ----------
dmcheck space c 10,000,000
goto cont
echo Opps, I got a weird happening while doing the Ask function.
goto mail
echo ----------------------- end of DMCHECK text -----------------------------
if errorlevel == 1 goto nofree
echo There is at least 10,000,000 bytes free on the requested drive.
goto end2
echo There is less than 10,000,000 bytes on the requested drive, sorry!
echo There are many things that can be done with DMCHECK if used properly. You
echo could check for the existance of the Pirated copy of DOOM ][ and refuse to
echo run your PWAD file, or at the very least give a message to the user about
echo that. You could also check that the version of DOOM that is installed as a
echo registered copy and display a message explaining that the user needs to
echo have the registered copy of DOOM to use your PWAD file, instead of having
echo people send you e-mail or phone you asking things like that. People want
echo easy things to do, and DMCHECK makes it that much simpler to use PWAD
echo files for the end-user without having to learn anything else than typing
echo in a batch file name at the DOS prompt!
echo Jean-Serge Gagnon (az589@freenet.carleton.ca)